Cascading Rose Bouquet™
Flower Delivery from a Local Florist
Expertly Designed & Ready to Impress

Product Description

EXCLUSIVE Indulge Mom with our luxurious Cascading Rose Bouquet™. Standing an impressive two feet tall, a mix of sweet pink and lavender blooms are gathered inside our stunning new vase, inspired by the splendor of roses. Featuring an opalescent finish with elegant raised rosette details that cascade across a pink ceramic foundation, it’s a unique and timeless keepsake she can display for years to come.

Cascading Rose Bouquet™ is an all-around arrangement of lavender, pink and hot pink roses, pink spray roses and purple limonium; accented with fresh greenery
Artistically designed in our exclusive vase featuring a luxurious opalescent finish with contoured, raised rosette details that cascade across a pink ceramic foundation; measures 9.5”H
Arrangement measures approximately 24"H x 16"L
Our florists select the freshest flowers available, so colors and varieties may vary due to local availability

Cascading Rose Bouquet™



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