Lovely Daisy Bouquet
Flower Delivery from a Local Florist
Expertly Designed & Ready to Impress

Product Description

Nothing says happiness quite like our cheerful bouquet of daisies. With perky petals of fresh lavender and white, these blooms are just fun to have around. It won’t take more than these daisies to make their day! Bouquet of white and lavender daisies; your choice of 12 or 24 Picked fresh on our premier farms around the world, our flowers are cared for every step of the way and shipped fresh to ensure lasting beauty and enjoyment Add to their gift: Classic fluted swirl-design glass vase in clear or purple; measures 7.5"H (24 stems) Clear fluted glass vase in a classic hourglass shape; measures 9"H (12 stems)

Lovely Daisy Bouquet



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